Video Games

Best Base Locations in Palworld

When it comes to setting up a comfortable home for you and your Pals in Palworld, it’s all about where you choose to settle down. Here are some of the best Base locations in Palworld.

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Best Base Locations in Palworld

During your adventures in the land of Palworld, you’ll likely encounter several spots that simply stand out as potential homes. While just about anywhere and everywhere can be turned into a decent camp (except maybe Mount Obsidian), there are certain locales that are simply better than others due to their proximity to resources or how easy they are to defend against aggressive Pals.

Related: Do Pals Evolve in Palworld?

If you’re just beginning your journey, then one of the best Base locations in Palworld is to the south of the Plateau of Beginnings. From where you begin the game, as you leave the cave, you can head southwest to discover a beach with a Hillside Cavern. While it may be very far away from resources, it’s a great place to defend, given that there’s only a single path onto the sand, and it’s backed by the ocean. There are quite a few Paldium Fragments lying about the place, but in terms of resources, you’ll have to go on a journey to gather other valuable commodities.

A spot on the Palworld map. This image is part of an article about the best base locations in Palworld.

If you’d prefer something a little more rich in minerals, then you should try and set up shop close to the Fort Ruins waypoint. Just to the west, you’ll find a spot that’s excellent for mining, and the area features plenty of decently powerful Pals that can be used to help expand your Base. It’s not exactly the safest option during the early stages of the game, but it’s great for players looking to generate plenty of resources in an effort to erect an even larger home somewhere more secure.

A spot on the Palworld map. This image is part of an article about the best base locations in Palworld.

Related: Can You Change Passive Skills in Palworld?

Once you become a little more experienced and have your eyes set on a living situation that’s better suited for the late-game technology tree, you’ll want to migrate north and set up near the Sealed Realm of the Guardian waypoint. Ideally, you want to be either slightly to the east or west of the fast travel beacon, taking advantage of the tall cliffs to create a position that provides a great lookout point across the region. There are also plenty of decent mining spots and forests to ensure that you never run out of your basic supplies. If you’re looking to create a gigantic Base, it might take some time to clear out all the obstacles in the area, but it’s one of the best locations to build upon once you’ve reached a later stage in Palworld.

A spot on the Palworld map. This image is part of an article about the best base locations in Palworld.

The other great option for a late-game home is alongside the shores of Jormuntide’s lake. While the gigantic boss obviously poses a threat, it tends to stay out in the open water, not straying too close to land. Much like the beach behind the Plateau of Beginnings, this location is also only accessible through a single route and is backed by a body of water, so you shouldn’t have to worry too much about establishing gigantic defenses. It’s also within the Verdant Brook area, which, as mentioned above, has plenty of resources to spare if you’re willing to stay away from the shoreline every once in a while.

And those are the best Base locations in Palworld.

Palworld Early Access is available now. If you’re looking for more, check out our guide to the best places to farm Coal in Palworld.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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