Video Games

Best Mirage Prime Build in Warframe

Best Mirage Prime Build in Warframe

Every Warframe in Warframe can be great with the right build. One of the most recent Warframes I picked up and have been building is Mirage Prime. Within Warframe, Mirage Prime has a unique playstyle, with her best build enabling her to booby trap objects and drops from enemies, turning them into mini nukes. Let’s get into how to build a double nuke Mirage Prime.

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How to Build Mirage Prime Double Nuke

When using Mirage Prime, you’ll be dashing all over the map, placing mini nukes and using your main nuke, Prism. Prism is a disco ball of death that constantly shoots lasers as it moves around and — WOW — does it have some serious range. It’s incredibly fun to throw out and watch it zap everything around you to bits. 

To turn Mirage Prime into a walking nuke machine, all you need is the right mod setup. No specific weapons are required for this build, so feel free to use whatever you like for your weapons; you won’t need them that much anyway with how strong Mirage’s abilities are!

Mod Setup

In your Aura socket you can run either Loot Detector or Energy Siphon. Loot Detector helps you find loot to turn into booby traps using Sleight of Hand. It’s useful, but I found it unnecessary. Energy Siphon I’ve found to be a much more useful Aura on Mirage Prime. Due to her being quite energy hungry, the extra energy regen is nice to have.

For the Exilus mod, you’ll want to use Sure Footed. The Primed version is even better if you have that as well. Knock down resistance is very important for Mirage Prime, as she’s not very tanky. This means you want to be able to keep moving because if you get knocked down there’s a good chance you’ll get downed.

Explosive Legerdemain is the mod that enables the second nuke in the build. It turns extra enemy drops such as ammo and orbs into proximity mines with massive detonation damage and 100% status chance. This mod really ramps up Mirage Prime’s damage output, and it’s quite cheap as well. Next you’ll want Flow or Primed Flow to increase the maximum energy you can use with Mirage Prime. Overextended is next, trading a huge ability range increase for some skill power, but we balance that with Blind Rage. Blind Rage increases ability strength at the cost of ability efficiency, and we make up the difference with Streamline, which only increases ability efficiency. 

We also use Augur Reach for more range and a boost to shields, Stretch for even greater ability range, and Intensify for more ability strength. If you’re having trouble surviving, you can swap out one of these for a mod that increases your health or shields instead.

That’s all the mods you need for one hell of a damage dealing double nuke Mirage Prime in Warframe, which is absolutely her best build. If you have Mirage Prime, I encourage you to give this build a try. It’s very fun to use and you’re almost guaranteed to be top of the team with your damage output!

About the author

Alex Berry
Alex Berry is a freelance contributor at The Escapist. His coverage ranges from funny takes on the latest games to a whole bunch of guide content. Alex is a jack of all trades when it comes to games, playing almost every new title that shows promise. From RPGs to shooters, all the way through to sports games, he plays it all, although he does have a soft spot for turn-based RPGs having started out his gaming journey with a copy of Pokémon Red on the original Game Boy. Alex has a master's degree in Business and is fascinated by online game economies, often spending a lot of time finding ways to maximize wealth in these games (but he should really be doing that in real life instead).
Alex Berry
Alex Berry is a freelance contributor at The Escapist. His coverage ranges from funny takes on the latest games to a whole bunch of guide content. Alex is a jack of all trades when it comes to games, playing almost every new title that shows promise. From RPGs to shooters, all the way through to sports games, he plays it all, although he does have a soft spot for turn-based RPGs having started out his gaming journey with a copy of Pokémon Red on the original Game Boy. Alex has a master's degree in Business and is fascinated by online game economies, often spending a lot of time finding ways to maximize wealth in these games (but he should really be doing that in real life instead).

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