
Best Non-Peter Parker Spider-Man Suit Designs, Ranked

Comic book artwork of Spider-Man variants.

Peter Parker may be the best-known Spider-Man, but he’s far from the only Marvel superhero to don arachnid-themed attire and fight crime. But which of the non-Peter Parker Spider-Man suit designs is the best?

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That’s a tough question to answer, even if we rule out Spider-Women like Jessica Drew and Julia Carpenter, who aren’t directly tied to Peter’s legacy. Yet, somehow we’ve narrowed the list down to five webslingers whose wardrobes outshine the rest. Read on to see who made the cut!

5. Scarlet Spider

Ben Reilly's Scarlet Spider costume.

Peter Parker clone Ben Reilly’s Scarlet Spider costume is very ’90s — and we love it. From its sleeveless, spider-emblazoned sweatshirt to its ankle pouches, this get-up is transcendently terrible. To gaze upon it is to be transported back in time, more than making up for its questionable aesthetics.

And hey, Ben (and comic book artist Tom Lyle) included some genuinely great design elements in the Scarlet Spider suit. Its external web-shooters and webbing-free red bodysuit remain unironically cool to this day. The former detail also carried over to Ben’s Spider-Man outfit, which was itself a runner-up for this list.

Related: What Kind of Spider Bit Marvel’s Spider-Man?

4. Superior Spider-Man

Otto Octavius in his Superior Spider-Man costume.

We know, we know: this entry is kinda cheating. The Superior Spider-Man costume, designed by artist Humberto Ramos, is technically a suit worn by Peter Parker. However, as Peter’s body was inhabited by Doctor Octopus’ consciousness at the time, strictly speaking, this kit really belongs to Otto Octavius.

Besides, how could we leave this one off a “best Spider-Man costumes” list? Messing with an iconic look like the original Spidey suit rarely ends well, yet the Superior Spider-Man gear gets away with it. The bigger, bolder spider logo, the upgraded lenses, and the spider arms and other gadgets — it all just works.

Do the security camera-like laser cannons Peter himself later added to the MK III version of the Superior Spider-Man suit verge on overkill? Sure. But the black-and-red, streamlined elegance of everything else easily compensates for this.

3. Spider-Gwen

Gwen Stacy has one of the best non- Peter Parker Spider-Man suit designs..

While most Spider-Woman costumes didn’t qualify for this list on a technicality, we’ve made an exception for Spider-Gwen given Marvel canon explicitly frames her as her universe’s incarnation of Spider-Man. Thank goodness for that, too, as artist Robbi Rodriguez’s design demands to be celebrated.

For starters, there’s the Spider-Gwen suit’s striking color scheme – its stark black-white combo gives its pink and neon accents extra pop. Then there’s the costume’s hood, which adds an extra layer of mystery to the ensemble, while also looking slick as hell. This is crimefighting couture at its finest.

2. Spider-Man 2099

Miguel O'Hara's Spider-Man 2099 costume.

Like the Scarlet Spider suit, the Spider-Man 2099 outfit sported by wall-crawler of tomorrow Miguel O’Hara is unmistakably a product of the ’90s. But whereas that costume’s appeal is largely its throwback charm, Spider-Man 2099’s spandex — designed by artist Rick Leonardi — is a timeless bit of business.

All the key components of Miguel’s crime-fighting clobber are as on-trend now as they were back in 1992. The navy-and-red color scheme. The raised mask decals and forearm spikes. The oversized “death’s head” spider logo. All are flourishes of comic book fashion that will never go out of style.

Related: The Best Suits in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Ranked

1. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

Miles Morales has one of the best non- Peter Parker Spider-Man suit designs..

Black-heavy versions of the Spider-Man suit dominate this list, and none look better than the one worn by Miles Morales. The brainchild of Miles’ co-creator, artist Sara Pichelli, this costume is immediately recognizable as an evolution of Peter Parker’s original outfit.

At the same time, its inverted red-and-black color scheme and prominent chevron lend the outfit its own identity, as befits its owner. About the only criticism we can level at Miles’ Spider-Man suit is that it’s not quite as dazzling as its big screen counterpart from Sony’s Spider-Verse films, but coming in second to that slice of perfection is a compliment of its own, really.

About the author

Leon Miller
Leon is a freelance writer obsessed with film, TV, video games, and comic books. His writing credits include articles for Polygon, Popverse, Screen Rant, CBR, Cultured Vultures, PanelxPanel, Taste of Cinema, and more. Originally from Australia, Leon is currently based in the UK.
    Leon Miller
    Leon is a freelance writer obsessed with film, TV, video games, and comic books. His writing credits include articles for Polygon, Popverse, Screen Rant, CBR, Cultured Vultures, PanelxPanel, Taste of Cinema, and more. Originally from Australia, Leon is currently based in the UK.

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