
Bethesda Takes Another Run at The Pitt


Bethesda has released yet another version of The Pitt for the Xbox 360 and everyone involved is really, really hoping that the third time is the charm.

Bethesda’s roll-out of the second Fallout 3 expansion hasn’t gone well. The original release, on March 24, was corrupted, resulting in floating objects, missing textures and frequent crashes; Bethesda and Microsoft responded quickly, pulling the DLC from Xbox Live and replacing it the next day. All very well and good, except the second version was reportedly plagued with random freezing.

“Since The Pitt went back up on Xbox Live last Wednesday, we’ve received feedback that some folks were experiencing freezing issues while trying to access The Pitt,” a message on the Bethesda Blog said. “We’re working with Microsoft to get a version of The Pitt up that corrects the aforementioned freezing issue. Once the content is up and available, we’ll let you know.”

The third version is now available, and Bethesda has once again posted instructions on how to replace the previous version of The Pitt without losing any vital information like autosaves. Users who have continued to experience problems with the DLC will of course have access to the latest version at no charge. The latest and greatest (and hopefully last) version of The Pitt for Xbox 360 is available here.

Source: Kotaku

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