
Bethesda Teases Something Else

Another day, another vague tease from Bethesda – but this one has an interesting twist.

Bethesda churned up a lot of interest in its reveal of The Evil Within last month by tossing out some weird Vine videos in advance of the announcement without telling anyone what they were. It’s a classic technique and it works; some gamers claim to find it annoying but it gets people talking and, more importantly, and paying attention. And so it is that Bethesda is at it again, this time with a few still images and an odd hash tag.

Earlier today, Bethesda Softworks tweeted a link to a three-part image and a mention of GameSpot, which over the course of the day revealed all three images in full, although none of them proved to be of much value in determining what Bethesda is up to. One is a very HAL-9000-ish glowing red eye; one appears to be some kind of futuristic fondue pot for dipping the souls of the damned; and the last is perhaps a rack of small, high-explosive rockets, the sort of thing you might see at the end of Megatron’s backscratcher. All three are emblazoned with the mysterious hash tag #1960.

Very interestingly, Bethesda Softworks tweeted shortly after revealing the first image that “this morning’s tease is not related to anything @BGS_Devs is working on.” That’s a reference to Bethesda Game Studios, the maker of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout games; Bethesda Softworks publishes them but also handles games by other studios including id Software, Human Head, Splash Damage, Obsidian and several others.

It seems clear to me that this is a build-up to a Prey 2 “re-announcement,” but since I’ve been slightly off-base about this once before I’m willing to entertain suggestions that it might be something else. There’s been a bit of talk here and there that it could be a new Wolfenstein game , and of course there’s always the possibility that it’s something entirely new. Bethesda hasn’t dropped any hints as to when we’ll find out, but when we know, you’ll know.

Source: Twitter, GameSpot

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