
BioShock 2 Teaser Site Now Live


An early glimpse at the BioShock sequel is now available at the new teaser site There’s Something In The Sea.

There’s not much to see just yet: A worn map with a date and location marked on it as well as a newspaper article, a handwritten note and a picture that will be familiar to anyone who’s seen the BioShock 2 teaser. The date written on the map and printed in the newspaper article indicate the game will be a true sequel and not a prequel as some had speculated, but otherwise the pickings are slim.

On February 20, 1967, a seven-year-old girl was kidnapped from her family cottage at Liscannor in County Clare, Ireland. She was taken in the middle of the night, and her kidnapper escaped unseen except for a red light near his head. “Local fisherman Eamon Clune, 44, and his wife Charlotte (32) were awoken by the sudden shattering of a window in the front room,” the newspaper clipping reads. “Moments later, his daughter Maura, age 7, screamed. Mr. Clune rushed to investigate the noise only to notice the unknown attacker racing out of the broken window with ‘incredible speed.’ Clune attempted to pursue, but was quickly outrun even though the attacker should have been hampered by the child’s weight.”

The handwritten note, dated a month after the attack, claims to have a found a photograph of a child’s toy a week prior to the kidnapping “which resembles particulars of the attacker. The head resembles a helmet as described by the Clune family; the feet could be heavy boots.” Despite the time that’s passed between the attack and the writing of the note, there appears to have been no contact between the Clune family and the kidnappers.

BioShock was set in 1960 in an alternate timeline so based on her age Maura almost certainly has some direct link to the crumbling underwater city of Rapture. The nature of that connection, however, remains a mystery.

Interesting bit of trivia: Liscannor is noteworthy among other things for being the birthplace of John Philip Holland, an engineer and early submarine pioneer who developed the first ever Royal Navy submarine and the first submarine to be formally commissioned by the post-Civil War U.S. Navy.

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