
BioWare Crowned Champion of March Mayhem 2015

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March Mayhem 2015 has come to a close with Bioware declared the winner.

32 developers entered. Only one remains as champion.

March Mayhem 2015 has drawn to a close. We compiled 32 of the best developers from 2014 and asked you, the reader, to choose which developers should advance in the competition. You even had the opportunity to make your predictions for the possibility to win a fancy prize and a year-long subscription to our own Publisher’s Club. You made this competition possible and for that we say “Thank you!”

Ultimately, it came down to Telltale Games and BioWare, two giants in the industry, to fight it out. This was just the culmination of weeks of tension. Many had fallen but these two companies weren’t going down without a fight. For most of the battle, Telltale and BioWare were engaged in a near tie, but BioWare never lost its small lead.

You can check out the final results here.

Congratulations to BioWare for beating out 31 contenders to reign supreme. And a huge congratulations to the top ten March Mayhem 2015 predictors:

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