
Blizzard Forced to Censor StarCraft II


The highly anticipated StarCraft II wasn’t able to properly land on Korean soil without a few changes.

Korean website Fomos is reporting that StarCraft II will be censored for its release in South Korea. The game was previously slapped with the equivalent of an “adults-only” rating in the region after Blizzard submitted the latest build last month.

The elevated rating came as a surprise to Blizzard as it was hoping for one that supported the game for ages 12 and over. This is the exact rating StarCraft II has now been given in South Korea, but only through censorship.

On May 11, Blizzard submitted a new version of StarCraft II to the Korean Game Ratings Board that changed the game’s blood to black and excluded smoking and vulgarity scenes. Blizzard is happy with the age 12 rating, saying via a translation at TeamLiquid: “Since Starcraft II was originally developed to be a game adolescents could enjoy, we’re very pleased with the Game Rating Board’s decision. … In the remaining time until StarCraft II goes on sale, we’ll do our best to continue to perfect the game so that even more fans can enjoy it.”

While Blizzard is planning to release the newly censored version of StarCraft II to get the game in as many hands as possible, the company is still debating whether or not to release an uncensored version as well. If you ask me, I just think the new version will freak Korean kids out when they bleed a different color than Terran.

Note: This does not affect StarCraft II in other regions, such as the U.S.

Via: 1up

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