
Blizzard Teases Overwatch Announcement for Next Week

The announcement before the announcement.

In a vague tweet today, Blizzard has teased the next announcement for its multiplayer shooter Overwatch.

The teaser doesn’t give much away – it’s related to an event called the King’s Row Uprising which, according to the tweet, took place seven Overwatch years ago. Along with that, it states that the mission record is Confidential, but will be “declassified” on April 11.

Other little things included in the brief video are something about “Mandatory Robot Registration” and a glimpse of something that may potentially be a new Tracer skin, so it’s possible we could be looking at more story details or even a new event.

I hate to speculate, but all I’m saying is I wouldn’t be disappointed if I got a Roadhog Easter Bunny skin.

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