
Blockade Runner Is Like Minecraft IN SPAAACE!

Forget underground mining- this game is aiming for high orbit.

Described as a “First Person Adventure Space Simulator”, Blockade Runner is an in-progress multiplayer game being developed by independent studio ZanMgt. Inspired by the creative sides of Minecraft and Infiniminer, players can build their own fully operational (and heavily armed) versions of the Millenium Falcon or USS Defiant block by block, adding on individual components like engines or plasma beams before venturing out into a hostile galaxy. Judging by the latest preview video, all of the objects in Blockade are fully destructible, letting players quite literally slice their opponents’ ships into pieces.

According to its FAQ, Blockade Runner is being designed with co-operative multiplayer in mind, letting players team up to to crew a custom starship, and then duel against opposing teams piloting their own. Other planned features include include mining for resources, story quests and different types of playable characters. However, as with any title early in development, it may be some time before these proposed features are implemented.

You can check out a free version of the game at ZanMgt’s website. If you like what you see, there is an option to pre-purchase the game for $10 USD, and get early access to new features about a month before they’re included in the free version.


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