
Captain Kirk Requests Status Report; NASA Tweets Update

A Tweet from Star Trek actor William Shatner this past weekend resulted in a Starfleet style report to the “Captain” from NASA.

When it comes to Star Trek, my captain is Kirk. Granted, that’s mostly because I’m a relative newcomer to the franchise and I’ve only managed to watch a season and a half of The Next Generation. Regardless, even if your prefer Picard, there’s little denying that Captain Kirk is one of the great sci-fi characters. It’s a pop culture position that plain and simple, commands respect.

That, at least, would seem to be the indication of a recent Twitter conversation between NASA and William Shatner. Shatner, who of course played the icon Kirk. It began innocently enough with Shatner Tweeting the famous organization to see how its Saturday was going. “How is NASA doing today?” he asked. NASA, not skipping a beat or an opportunity to show off its lighter side, offered a swift response addressing the actor as “Captain” and reporting as they might to his onscreen alter ego.

“Good day, Captain,” Tweeted back NASA. “#ISS is in standard orbit and Commander Swanson has the conn. Hope you’re having a great weekend.”

Shatner Tweeted back shortly after, but his reply was pretty well lost in the Tweets from fans, many of whom were understandably excited about the exchange. All we need now is for Patrick Stewart to give it a try. I suppose Chris Pine could too, but something tells me that wouldn’t excite people quite the same way.

Source: Twitter

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