
Castle Wolfenstein Returns In The New Order‘s Standalone Prequel

MachineGames’ Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a standalone prequel taking us back to where the series began – the iconic Castle Wolfenstein.

Wolfenstein: The New Order was one of 2014’s most talked about games, taking the violent, pulpy fun of World War II shooters into an alternate history storyline. The end result was lots of fun – but was there a tiny part of you wishing you could spend more time fighting Nazis during the iconic 1940s? If so, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood – a standalone prequel taking us back to the series roots – should be right up your alley.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is set in 1946, when the Nazis are on the brink of victory in The New Order‘s alternate timeline. In a last-ditch effort to turn the tide, series hero B.J. Blazkowicz accepts a mission to locate General Deathshead’s fortress – the coordinates of which are believed to be within Bavaria’s Nazi-occupied Castle Wolfenstein.

“Diving back into the world of Wolfenstein has really been fun for us,” MachineGames executive producer Jerk Gustafsson said. “We’ve enjoyed exploring the events leading up to The New Order. We think fans will really enjoy the story, all the action and, of course, jumping back into the combat with new weapons.”

The gameplay trailer itself looks exciting enough, but long-time Wolfenstein fans are probably experiencing a nostalgic thrill right now. The Old Blood doesn’t just revisit Castle Wolfenstein, it also mimicks Wolfenstein 3D‘s episodic story with a two-part mission structure. Part 1, “Rudi Jäger and the Den of Wolves” sends Blazkowicz to Castle Wolfenstein to find the coordinates to General Deathshead’s fortress. Part 2, “The Dark Secrets of Helga Von Schabbs”, pits Blazkowicz against a Nazi archeologist exhuming dark and powerful artifacts. Based on the last few seconds of the trailer, that evil power might be an updated version of Wolfenstein 3D‘s zombie units.

What’s more, we don’t have long to wait for Wolfenstein: The Old Blood at all – it launches digitally on May 5 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One platforms. Even better, the price tag is $20, a respectable price for anyone seeking Nazi-fighting action. Expect to see more trailers and gameplay footage very soon, especially with PAX East right around the corner.

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