
Check out the Warcraft Movie Trailer Recreated in Fan Art

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No, there’s still not a trailer for the Warcraft movie, but we’ve got the next best thing.

Sadly, Blizzard and Legendary Pictures have yet to release a trailer for the upcoming Warcraft movie — though we’ve seen an impressive trailer at Comic-Con and BlizzCon over the past year. Like all things Blizzard, we suspect we’ll see a trailer “when it’s done” and with an early 2016 release date, there’s no rush to the finish line. However, if you’re wondering what was in the trailer, you’re in luck because some talented online artists have worked to recreate it in images. Though they don’t do the trailer (which certainly lookedpolished enough for a public release) complete justice, they’ll give you an idea of what the trailer was like.

Check out black and white images from the German-language website or color images from artist Yanmo Zhang, which give you an impression of the content and style of the Warcraft movie. You can scroll through the images in the galleries below, click on the links above to find the images with commentary, or check out our impressions of the trailer.

Source:, Imgur


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