Darkfall Clan Interviews

Clan Interview: The Red Blades of Manderian

We have another clan interview and this time its with The Red Blades of Manderian.

8)Why did your clan choose Darkfall? What made you decided to wait for it?

There’s a short and simple answer for it: Because of the freedom the game

I could state loads of features that excite me about the game but the
freedom is what attracts most people, I think.

Clan Interview: Redemption
Interview by Morkdaorc and interviewee The Red Blades of Manderian Guild Leader

1)What is your clan’s background? When did you start and how?

The majority of us are a group of former World of Warcraft players who ran a successful roleplaying/Player-versus-Player guild. However, due to the stagnation of World of Warcraft’s PvP and RP system and its general lack of flexibility, many people started to look to other games to achieve a worthwhile RP-PvP experience. Darkfall seems the closest and most obvious game that provides both these qualities in a flexible environment. Some of the guild’s officers set up The Red Blades of Manderian, who were soon followed by the support of other former World of Warcraft players from the same server. Since then we have attracted applicants from outside WoW and from outside our current European player base.

2)Will your clan be an evil or good clan?

Neutral overall, however we accept good and evil characters. In fact the three leaders vary greatly, one evil, one neutral and one good. And hopefully that will represent the make up of the clan overall

3)What race is your clan going to be and will you accept people that are not this race?

In theory we are a clan of Humans, Mirdain and Dwarves. However as long as a decent background RP reason is given we are happy to accept Mirihim, Alfar and Orks. At the end of the day we’re mercenaries and will use anything we can trust.

4)Where does your clan look to place its capital? In racial territory or hidden away?

We are still deciding exactly what to do for our ‘capital’ however we plan on something small and secret. So just a basic village out of the way for us. This of course also depends on how things work when the game is released.

5)Are you recruiting right now and if so how could a person looking to
join apply?

We’re not openly recruiting, but people are free to add their application on our forums and we will get back to those people once we meet them in Darkfall

6)Does your clan play any other games right now and if so which ones?

Some of our members still play World of Warcraft, and others have recently started playing Lord of the Rings Online (noticing a rather lacking PvP system, but a flourishing RP community).

7)Why would someone want to join your clan?

If you enjoy roleplaying, this is the place for you. We may be mercenaries but if you’re not into fighting all that much, don’t forget every clan needs a bunch of crafters and politicians too. So, there’s a spot for everyone in our clan that likes roleplaying, despite their role.

And for those people that want to be mercenaries, we’ve got an organised guild ready to go into beta and attempt to wipe the floor with our mercenary competition ASAP. Obviously, we’re not going to tell you how we’ll do it, you’ll just have to wait and see

And off course, you can expect a friendly community. If what you are looking for is joining a friendly community with a bit of roleplaying, you’re definetly at the right address here as well.

8)Why did your clan choose Darkfall? What made you decided to wait for it

There’s a short and simple answer for it: Because of the freedom the game gives.

I could state loads of features that excite me about the game but the freedom is what attracts most people, I think.

9)Any comments you would like to add before were done?

You don’t need to have roleplayed before to join The Red Blades of Manderian. We do insist on members of the clan to roleplay, however we have many members who are more than willing to help develop roleplaying skills to unveil a novel and imaginative way of gaming. We will engage in contracts with non-RP clans, however all contracts will be carried out in-character.

I would like to thank The Red Blades of Manderian for the interview. If you would like a clan interview at Darkfall Warcry please E-mail me a request at [email protected]

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