Cloudpunk is a narrative-heavy adventure game by Ion Lands set in a futuristic open-world mega city called Nivalis. You play as Rania, a newcomer from the Eastern Peninsula on her first night working for the illicit delivery company Cloudpunk. Rania just wants to get through her shift and get paid, but the night is long and filled with shady characters and situations.
Cloudpunk makes the gorgeous neo-future city of Nivalis the star of its story and uses a myriad of quirky NPCs to make it feel like a real place. A few of the gameplay mechanics fall short of engaging, but fans of the cyberpunk genre should enjoy the experience. The game is out now on PC for $19.99 with a 10% discount to $17.99 during launch week. It will come to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch at a later date.
Watch our full Review in 3 Minutes for Cloudpunk.
Review copy provided by the publisher. Reviewed on PC.