
Comic Book Store Owner Raises Nearly 10k for Make-A-Wish

Dave DeMarco

Now here’s a feel-good story we can all get behind.

Meet Dave DeMarco, the co-owner of Omaha-based comic books store Legend Comics & Coffee and a self-described “consummate nerd.” A co-owner of Legend since 2010, Dave has been described by those who’ve had the pleasure of meeting him as a passionate, good-humored fellow who’s simply doing what he loves to do. It’s an assertion that Dave Himself agrees with.

“We’re basically purveyors of dreams,” said DeMarco. “My hobby is my job.”

In the past couple of years, however, Dave has channeled his passion into an entirely new project: raising money for the Make-A-Wish foundation by auctioning off his extremely rare comic books (many of which came from his private collection).

It all started when Dave’s niece, Alyssa, was diagnosed with leukemia at just five years old. Despite the devastating news, Alyssa was determined to overcome the illness, and 18 years later, she is still going strong. In fact, it was Alyssa’s own proactive contributions to several cancer foundations that spurred Dave to take action.

“Why am I not doing something more proactive?” DeMarco asked himself.

Thus began Legend’s “Free Comic Book Day”, an annual auction that raised $8,700 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation in its first year by giving away a copy of the 1962 Amazing Fantasy No. 15 (also known as the first appearance of Spider-Man).

According to, this year’s giveaway “included comics with the first appearances of Deadpool and the Punisher and raised $8,200.”

There’s no word yet on what comics DeMarco plans to auction off at next year’s “Free Comic Book Day,” but if he is able to get ahold of a House of Secrets #92, I might just have to empty my bank account. You know, for charity.


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