Squall Child

Creative Destruction

Hello, everybody!
Your friendly neighborhood Spi-… I mean Squall_Child here. I am here because? Well, that is quite simple. I have just recieved the position of columnist, one of the many jobs here at Final Fantasy Warcry and I would just like to say that it is already fun! I hope that this will be both entertaining and interesting throughout the many columns here.
What will be contained in this column?
Well, I will be doing a small mix of Short Stories, Epidode Stories, and Reviews/Fun Stuff for everyone to read about. If anyone has any suggestions, you may PM me and give me a cool idea.
When will I post these columns?
I will usually post them about every week, if not more or less. Let me just say there will be one every month, I promise.
Now, if there is anything you would like me to put up, you may email me at [email protected] or PM me on my FFW name.
Thank ya’ll and please come back to read more of my new column!
Creative Destroyer

About the author

The Warfairer – Part I

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