
Crowdfunding Campaign Aims to “Besiege” Valve with Gabe Newell Impersonators

Two friends and devoted Valve fans are attempting to raise $150,000 to show the developer just how much the community wants Half-Life 3.

Do you want to play Half-Life 3? Well, you’re not alone. The long-awaited sequel is supposedly in development at Valve, but the developer is remaining tight-lipped about it. Kyle Mazzei and Chris Salem are tired of waiting, however, and have decided to take matters into their own hands. The duo have launched an IndieGoGo crowd-funding campaign to “show Valve that the Half-Life community is strong” and “get Valve to finish the game we’ve dreamed about for all these years.”

“It’s been almost an entire decade since the last version of Half-Life,” Mazzei states in the IndieGoGo video, a fact fans of the series know all too well. So how does the pair hope to speed things along at a company known for taking its time? By raising money for advertisements, mobile billboards, and “a bunch of Gabe Newells besieging Valve’s doorstep wearing ‘We Want HL3‘ t-shirts.” The army of Gabe impersonators doesn’t come cheap, at the $45,000 tier, but even that’s pocket change compared to the $150,000 “most epic concert ever.” With 31 days to go, the campaign has raised just over $630 as of this writing.

Half-Life was originally released in 1998; Half-Life 2 followed in 2004, with expansions Episode 1 in 2006 and Episode 2 in 2007. Since then, fans have been clamoring for news about the series, so I’m not sure that I agree with Mazzei and Salem that fans haven’t been vocal enough about their desire for the continuation of the Half-Life series. According to Valve Time, we should get some news on Half-Life 3 any day… week… or year now; as Valve’s Doug Lombardi said in 2007, hang on to your crowbars.

Source: Polygon

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