
Cyberpunk 2077 to be “Far, Far Bigger” Than The Witcher 3

CD Projekt Red’s Jose Teixeira talks Cyberpunk 2077.

CD Projekt Red visual effects artist Jose Teixeira spoke with MCV about the studio’s upcoming title Cyberpunk 2077, stating that the title is “far bigger than anything else that CD Projekt Red has done before. Far, far bigger.”

“We’re really stepping into the unknown in terms of complexity and size and problems we encounter,” Teixeira said. “If anything, working on The Witcher 3 was a really good and often brutal learning experience. Cyberpunk is going to benefit greatly from it. I can almost guarantee it.”

The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is a sprawling open world RPG, with the script consisting of over 450,000 words, and the title’s two expansions are nearly the size of The Witcher 2.

Studio co-founder Marcin Iwinski previously stated that Cyberpunk 2077 will be a “true RPG,” writing “We are known for storytelling, and big game worlds, and so we’re taking all what we’ve learnt from previous three Witcher games, as well as the open-world aspect, and applying it to Cyberpunk 2077.” Iwinski later stated that The Witcher franchise “needs some rest,” saying “The past 10 years the team has been working on swords and castles and medieval Slavic monsters, so I think it’s time for some guns, androids, and some ammo. And a necropolis. So this is what we’ll be working on.”

Cyberpunk 2077 was revealed in 2012 and promises a “multi-thread, non-linear story” with a significant amount of player choice along with multiplayer features. The game does not yet have a firm release date.

[Source: MCV]

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