Video Games

How to Melt the Ice in Dave the Diver’s Frozen Passage

Dave the Diver swimming underneath an iceberg as part of an article on how to melt ice in the game.

You’ve traveled deep into the ocean to uncover the secrets of the Sea People, so a chunk of solid water shouldn’t stop your quest. Here’s how to melt the ice in the Frozen Passage area in Dave the Diver.

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How to Melt Ice in Dave the Diver

While the quest objective to “Melt the Ice” may sound incredibly straightforward, the process is actually much longer than you might expect. Within the catacombs of the Sea People, you’ll have to duck and dive various Gadon, all of whom want nothing more than to sink their zombified fans into Dave’s flesh.

Moreover, while you’re trying to avoid being eaten alive, you’ll have to solve a series of puzzles if you want to properly reflect the light into the desired location. Make sure you have enough oxygen in the tank (try picking up some canisters before you enter the Frozen Passage if you’re concerned about running out of air) and don’t worry about scrounging up some decent weapons. Where we’re going, nothing in Dave’s arsenal will be big enough anyway.

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Once you happen upon the doorway that’s been frozen shut, Dave remarks that if he wants to proceed any deeper he’ll need to melt the ice. If you’ve played a video game before, it’s obvious that the massive glass surface on the right will be necessary to get the job done, so our goal is to find some seriously hot beams of light and reflect them onto the ice.

Before you go any further, there’s a photography spot in this very same room. Take a moment to snap a picture of the mural in the background. You’ll want to squeeze the entire painting into the shot, that’s the only way you’ll complete the main objective. After you’ve taken your photo, swim to the left and the doorway. You’ll be taken to a new region which sounds like it won’t be too helpful but it’s actually exactly where you need to go.

What to Do in the Frozen Passage to Melt the Ice

You’ll enter a room with a series of circular stone slabs, much like the ones you likely already encountered earlier in the Frozen Passage. Firstly, swim into the middle of the first wheel structure and activate it so the passage within it is vertical, then swim up and interact with the blue and yellow switch above you. Head back down and activate the wheel again so the passage is horizontal, after which you should swim to the left and down to pick up the glowing Divine Tree Fruit at the bottom of the room.

There is a Gadon patrolling down here so do this carefully because if it spots Dave you’re in for a very bad time indeed. You can use the Fruit to briefly stun the Gadon which you should absolutely do since we need to activate the blue and green button he’s protecting. Once you’ve hit it, swim left past the stunned Gadon and enter the vertical passage of the left-hand-side stone wheel.

Related: How to Fix the Limestone Cave Not Spawning in Dave the Diver Explained

Go all the way to the top and pick up the glowing orb sitting alongside the oxygen clam. This is a great time to top up your oxygen if you’re running low, by the way. Activate the yellow and green switch on your right before picking up the Divine Tree Fruit and carrying it as high above the wheel as possible. Once you drop it, dash into the wheel’s passage and activate it. Your timing should be such that the wheel is also in the tube but not far enough along that it’ll fall out the bottom. Effectively, you want to catch the orb with the wheel’s rotation.

With the orb in hand, swim to the left and use it to melt the icicle wall in front of Dave. Swim the Fruit over to the receptacle on the left of the cavern you find and watch as it shoots a room of light right. Seems ideal for what we want…

Swim all the way back to the mirror and listen to Dave effectively tell you what must happen. Unfortunately, you don’t have the necessary tools to do so. After completing this section, Dave returns to the surface to ask Cobra for advice. The savvy entrepreneur explains that a crowbar could be used to adjust the mirror’s position. The good news is that he already ordered one; the bad news is that it’s stuck on the boat that was destroyed by the giant squid you faced early in the game.

Once you manage to recover the crowbar, all you need to do is return to the chamber in Frozen Passage and use your new tool to pivot the mirror so the beam directly hits the layer of ice on the floor. With that out the way, Dave can continue his expedition to help the Sea People. Just keep an eye on those zombie merfolk, they’re not going away any time soon.

That’s how to melt the ice in Dave the Diver. If you’re looking for more on the game, check out how to beat Klaus in the game.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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