
Doctor Who‘s Smith Goes Hunting Zombies and Bride in Pride


Congratulations, Mr Collins! Try to look more cheerful, man!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains; or in this case, in want of Matt Smith, who’s just signed up to play Mr Collins in the movie adaptation of Pride, Prejudice and Zombies. Filming starts September 24th, with Lily James as central character Elizabeth Bennet.

This one’s had a rocky road so far. People have been talking about making this movie since February 2009, a remarkable achievement given that the book didn’t hit the stands till April 2009. At one point Natalie Portman was supposed to play swordswoman Bennet, but that all came to nothing.

Smith’s Mr Collins is one of the suitors that orbits Bennet, but Collins isn’t nearly as fortunate as Mr Darcy. Mind you, it may be for the best that he isn’t playing Darcy; I just can’t see Smith keeping a straight face when confronted with dialogue like this:

‘She remembered the lead ammunition in her pocket and offered it to him. “Your balls, Mr. Darcy?” He reached out and closed her hand around them, and offered, “They belong to you, Miss Bennet.”‘

Corpsing would take on a whole new meaning.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

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