
DSi Features Enhanced Anti-Piracy Measures?


Complaints and angry posts are popping up in assorted gaming forums regarding the DSi’s inability, or possibly refusal, to play bootlegged software.

While the average response is most likely “Well it serves those pirates right.”, the issue stems from customers who unknowingly purchase bootleg games sold through internet retailers. Bootlegged games sold through retail outlets can be very convincing and can resemble their official counterparts almost identically. If the owners of the pirated carts really are innocent as they claim, it seems unlikely that they’ll have any kind of financial recourse other than to complain to their online retailer of choice about the bootleg games, or just stick with their DS/DS Lite.

Of course Nintendo has made no direct statement on the issue, other than this canned spokesperson response:

“Nintendo vigorously fights the illegal copying of video games around the world. All of our hardware and software includes technological features that combat video game piracy, but we do not disclose what those specific features are.”

While the reasons for not detailing their specific security procedures are obvious, it seems if there were increased anti-piracy measures Nintendo wouldn’t be hurting itself by simply confirming or denying their existence.

Even if the new measures are thwarting old bootlegged games and flash carts, including the Action Replay and R4 among others, a number of sites are already selling new DSi compatible flash carts. Whether or not Nintendo will continue fighting the battle against piracy via its system updates is unknown.


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