Letters to the Editor

Dungeons and Dollars

In response to “Carla” from The Escapist Forum: That was a great story. I loved it. I normally don’t read these bits actually, but it was about Rock, so I thought, ‘Why not?’

Although, I am a bit of a muppet. I didn’t know that Psychotherapy were fictional, and I searched Wikipedia to try and find them! Ha ha.

Either way, great work on the story.

– Jonathan Hexley


In response to “But a Walking Shadow” from The Escapist Forum: There are two types of ways to scare people: cheap scares and “…” scares. Cheap scares are the ones where scary things jump out of the dark. Great when it’s used once or twice, but it soon gets old and, depending on the thing jumping out of the dark, you know you could take it on were it not for the sudden attack. Then you’ve got the latter, where the horror takes place over a long(er) period of time. It unsettles the audience, shows them things slowly. It all depends on atmosphere, and should it work, you’ve got an audience that won’t be able to sleep for weeks.

Your story falls into the latter, although more unsettling than “OMGZ, I’m dead!”. It’s a great example of how to manipulate information (and how to feed information) to scare the reader… or at least, me. Thanks for the great story, regardless of whatever nightmares of this hell will haunt me for weeks to come.

– stompy


In response to “Phantom on the Tokyo Metro” from The Escapist Forum: Loved it! This article clearly points out the fact, that many people traveling to another country tends to think the locals are retarded or easy pickings, just because they don’t speak your language (english in this case). But people in different cultures can be smart, witty and complicated, just like your average fellow countrymen. They are just that…different, but not retarded or in any way lesser than you. Don’t underestimate foreigners, especially if you are on their turf!

This is a good advice I got from a friend of mine, who lived in Argentina and Japan for years.

– Playbahnosh

An interesting and well presented story. Very creepy in the first three sections, as I’m sure was your intention, and not only does it point to that sort of strange behaviour which exists within these sorts of men, but also the rather overcrowded, if efficient public transport system present in Japan, because of the high populations present in a small area.

I’m not normally very interested in Japanese culture, either. Of course, I enjoy their video games, but any country with one of the largest automotive industries in the world, but only a 100km/h speed limit, and a public transport system which is faster than its road system perplexes me.

– RAKtheUndead


In response to “Gears of War: Aspho Fields” from The Escapist Forum: I thought it was pretty good.

Remember, if it was fan-fic Dom and Marcus wouldn’t have had to tackle a boomer from above, they would have just emptied clip after clip into it from behind the dumpster. Or more likley, just walked slowly forward and killed it with sheer awesomeness. This, on the other hand, didn’t read like an account of me playing, which is a good thing for a novel.

When is it set by the way?

– Armitage Shanks

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