
E3 2008: Nintendo Reinvents Wii Sports

Nintendo’s just-announced MotionPlus controller needs a brand new game to go with it, so Nintendo is putting a new shine on an old favorite with Wii Sports Resort.

Wii Sports Resort will take advantage of the MotionPlus’ ability to track movement in true 1:1 with an all-new assortment of summer and beach-themed games. We only got to see three during Nintendo’s press conference, though – a swordfighting game, a jetski race, and disc dog, in which you toss a frisbee to your pooch.

We weren’t told how many games in all Wii Sports Resort will have, but we do know that it will come bundled with the MotionPlus controller and an extended Wii Remote sleeve, which as we know from Wii Play means that it will sell like crazy no matter how good it is.

Wii Sports Resort launches next spring.

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E3 2008: Nintendo’s Music Game for Klutzes

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