
ESA Oppose Idea of Universal Media Ratings


ESA VP Rich Taylor has attacked plans by the FCC to hold an inquiry into taking the USA onto a single rating system for all media, calling the idea unconstitutional.

The FCC has unvieled plans to investigate the possibility of unified ratings for media across all platforms, based on the findings of a report to Congress on the 31st of August that questioned whether children are harmed by inappropriate content such as sex, violence and obscenity.

The FCC’s report will be the preliminary steps into determining whether new laws are required. A move towards a unified rating system would take the USA out of step with the other major games markets where games are regulated by industry based bodies.

Predictably, the ESA aren’t especially keen on the idea as VP Rich Taylor made clear in a statement: “The ESA appreciates the FCC and its important role however, the ESRB rating system is considered by parents, family advocates, the Federal Trade Commission, and elected officials as the gold standard in providing caregivers with the information they need to make the right choices for their families.”

“Universal ratings will, in the end, only serve to confuse consumers, violate the Constitution’s first amendment, and are a solution in search of a problem,” he added.

Source: Gamasutra

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