
Evil Genius Online Schemes Its Way To Open Beta

Early 2014 is the proposed Capricorn Device launch date … no, wait, that’s the game’s launch date. My mistake.

Evil Genius, the beloved megalomaniac simulator from 2004, has been undergoing a metamorphosis into Evil Genius Online, a Facebook title. The time has come for it to emerge from the cocoon and spread its wings, like a murderfly off to big boy town. Big boy town being open beta, and this is free-to-play, so if you want to arch some would-be science guys, now might be a good time to get on board.

“Free-to-play and browser games aren’t for just one kind of person, or one kind of game,” says Rebellion’s Jason Kingsley. “We think Evil Genius Online‘s blend of strategy, black humour, and cutting-edge browser tech will resonate with a lot gamers.”

The idea is to create an Evil Empire, but you’re not the only one out there with a bunch of henchmen and an attitude. The original had you dealing with secret agents who infiltrated your secret base, and now the other villains – your fellow players – are the bigger threat. Spy on their plans, sabotage them, and send your minions out to ruin the world.

After open beta comes open release, which is tentatively scheduled on Facebook for early 2014.

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