
Fallout News Coming Tomorrow Morning

Bethesda’s Fallout site is now counting down to a new announcement that will be revealed tomorrow morning.

Come this time tomorrow, Bethesda may have announced a new Fallout game. That, at least, would seem to be the indication of a new countdown timer that’s taken over Bethesda’s official Fallout website. The countdown is set against the retro-styled “Please Stand By” screen from Fallout 3. If you check the site’s page source, it also reveals code that includes the following statement. “PA system failure has occured. Shutdown of the Masterbrain has been authorized and all sensitive materials have been removed for security purposes. Please attempt re-access. Have a pleasant day.”

The timer itself will run out tomorrow, Wednesday June 2nd, in the morning at 9AM EST.

While we’ll obviously have to wait and see what the end of the countdown reveals, most signs would seem to point to Fallout 4. Most recently, for instance, the LinkedIn resume of freelance 3D artist Luis Nieves revealed that Guillermo del Toro’s Mirada Studio had been contracted to work on a “Fallout 4 cinematic trailer.” Bethesda will also be hosting its very first E3 press conference this year, which would pretty much be the perfect opportunity to unveil a wildly anticipated title such as a new Fallout.

Source: Fallout

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