
Family Arranges Star Wars Funeral For Departed Son

The family of four year old Jack Robinson arranged for a stormtrooper escort and other Star Wars touches to “send off” their son.

When it comes to horrible experiences, you’d be hard pressed to find much worse than the loss of a child. Sadly, that was exactly the experience that four-year old Jack Robinson’s family recently found themselves going through. Jack, afflicted with an inoperable brain tumor, sadly passed away last week, leaving his family understandably devastated. Even as they grieved however, his parents worked to give their son a special send off with a Star Wars-themed funeral.

Hoping to pay tribute to Jack, an avid Star Wars fan, his parents arranged for him to be buried in a Star Wars coffin decorated with lightsaber shaped wreaths. His coffin was also carried on a horse drawn carriage adorned with a floral arrangement that read “Jedi.”
The carriage, in turn, was led to his family’s church by an escort of stormtroopers. Inside the church itselfa brass band played the Luke Skywalker theme and the order of the service “Master Jack Robinson, joined the Force 1st April, 2014.”

“Jack was a special boy, he was unique and brought everyone together,” said Terence Robinson, Jack’s father. “We needed to give him a unique send off.”

The attempts to make Jack’s departure unique was mirrored by efforts to ensure his final days were special. In addition to an early birthday party and an exclusive ride in a fire engine, Jack was also visited in the hospital by singer-songrwiter Gary Barlow who wrote his favorite song. He was also gifted with a personal video message from Doctor Who star Matt Smith (Robinson also loved Doctor Who) who sang him the show’s theme song. According to Jack’s mother Marie, the outpouring of support is an indicator of just how extraordinary Jack was. “He was only a little boy but he brought people together, from all over the world.”

Source: Daily Mail

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