
Famitsu Goes Nuts for Gears of War 3


Four-player co-op and strong multiplayer scores points for Gears 3 in Japan.

The Xbox 360 isn’t a huge hit in Japan, but that doesn’t mean that a good game can’t get some kudos from the Japanese gaming press. Famitsu, one of Japan’s leading videogame magazines, has given Gears of War 3 a near-perfect score in its latest issue.

Famitsu’s four-person panel awarded the game three tens and a nine, a score shared by only 25 other games in the magazine’s 25-year history, and only beaten by a further 15. Famitsu’s reviewers praised the game’s graphics and multiplayer, as well as the ability to play through the story with four players. The magazine listed 15-20 hours to complete the main story, and then an infinite amount of playtime for the game’s multiplayer; the publisher apparently often supplies these figures however, so make of that what you will.

Sadly, despite this excellent review, Gears 3 won’t shift millions of units in Japan, because the install base just doesn’t exist there. Then again, it may help Microsoft sell a few more consoles in Japan, which is good news for everyone.

Source: Andriasang

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