
Faster Public WiFi Might be Coming to Google Fiber Cities

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Google document being circulated to potential Google Fiber sites hints at public WiFi rollout.

Google Fiber is available (or on the cusp of availability) in three metropolitan areas, and it could expand to 34 additional cities in 2014-2015. Those cities that are lucky enough to grab Google Fiber might also get a bonus: improved public WiFi.

In a document being distributed to the 34 potential Google Fiber cities, the search/ad giant says that it will be “discussing our Wi-Fi plans and related requirements…as we move forward with your city during this planning process.” Gigabit Internet is already a godsend on its own, but pair it with decent public WiFi for downtown areas? That’s Antantis levels of awesome, folks.

This news is coming after rumors of a Google-branded mobile service, which would be built upon wholesale-purchased space on Verizon or Sprint networks. Coupling Google Mobile and Google WiFi would allow customers of the former to lean heavily on WiFi when in their hometown.

Google Fiber is currently available in Provo, Kansas City, and will be online soon in Austin. If WiFi and mobile are in Google’s future, expect the initial rollout to happen in one of these three sites.

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