Name Game

Fear the Cosplay





I’m insanely sad about this weekend. Why, you ask? Because it’s PAX East and I’m not going to be there. But at least my friend Adam McQuaig can help ease the pain with a Cosplay comic. He’s a buddy of mine from when I was back at art school in Baltimore. That other pretty lady with Alix is one of his creations, Autumn. You can see more pictures of her on his Blog where she’s accompanied by mostly robots and Adventure Time fanart. This one’s my favorite.

I think the most heart breaking part about this weekend was I actually had enough time off to be able to make the trip. There was a long weekend for Easter. I just totally lacked the funds. I don’t mean to complain but that just doesn’t sit right with me.

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Check Out The Escapist At PAX East 2012

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