
Featured User Group: Stargate Fan Club


I’m personally a big fan of everything Stargate; therefore, it was logical for me to join the Stargate Fan Club user group. What I didn’t expect is weekly updates about the shows, books, series, movies, and all other forms of Stargate paraphernalia being discussed and announced. When I was approached a while ago for permission for the group to give away free copies of the Stargate Resistance game, that’s when it became a serious group of fans instead of a weak group of pansy Altarians.

Let’s give them a warm “Comtraya!” and see what they have to say about their unique group:

  1. Why was the Stargate Fan Club founded?

    Stargate is one of the biggest TV sci-fi series. With 3 movies and 17 seasons spread across 4 series, there are quite a few fans. It is a great series full of action, character drama, and even some tearjerker moments (if you weren’t moved by “Heroes” then you have no soul).

    The trouble with forum threads is if you want to discuss whether or not you think Destiny is a thinking entity, or who would win in fight between Teal’c and Ronon only a tiny fraction of people would know what you’re talking about. With a group it’s possible to get a real discussion going amongst fans of the show.

    The name pretty much says it all. The group exists for fans of the movies, shows, books, and games to stay informed about the current show, talk about the past shows, and just talk about their mutual interests in general.

    The group was kinda like an accidental birth. I was going through the Stargate seasons at the time, and then the User Group option showed up. A few nights out, and a couple of drinks… BAM! The group was born.

  2. What do you see as the future of the group?

    Work has already started on a review series called “Through the Gate.” Its goal is to write reviews for every season of every series and movies along with other materials like novels, audiobooks, videogames, etc. At the moment, there has been a great response from the group with people volunteering to help out and take some of the load. 3 reviews down, about 30 to go. 🙂

    As long as we share an interest in the Stargate shows, games, movies, and books we will be around talking about them.

    I see the future of my group to be just a regular channel of Stargate alerts and geekdom … Also talk about alcohol, cause nothing goes better with Stargate than a nice drink.

  3. What do you think other users could gain from the group?

    Aside from the reviews and discussions I always try to keep the group up to date with the latest Stargate news from episode previews, ratings information, fan projects, and behind the scenes goings on (like the recent goings on at MGM who own the rights to the franchise).

    I also hope to one day hold another competition like was done for the release of the Stargate Resistance videogame earlier this year. That went really well and we gave away copies of the game as well as digital copies of Stargate episodes.

    Anyone that is interested in Stargate, from a major fan all the way down to someone who just likes to catch the show whenever possible would be welcome to join the group and chat, as a bonus they get to keep up with any news about Stargate, including the reviews the group (headed up by thenumberthirteen) are working on.

    Well, we’re a rather friendly bunch that are easy to mingle with. If they love Stargate of any type they’ll be welcomed in with a nice round of “Game Time.” (Join the group and find out)

  4. What sets you apart from other user groups?

    Well we’re the one stop shop for Stargate news and comment on The Escapist. We also have quite a few members (we’re bigger than the Star Trek, Star Wars, and Battlestar Galactica groups by a wide margin) so there is a good mixture of opinions.

    It is a great group of people, and I don’t just say that because I am a part of the group. Join up because you like Stargate, stick around to chat with some great like-minded people.

    To my knowledge we’re the only group that has run a contest with prizes for the community. We (and I mean thenumberthirteen) regularly updates the News section with Stargate news and such.
    Also, besides being friendly, we’re a rather interesting bunch that can be a bit … *cough* Crazy.

  5. If you could improve one aspect of the User Group area, what would you improve?

    I’d like to see a rudimentary thread discussion facility instead of simply one chat section. With such wide topic such as Stargate I’d love to have sections dedicated to each series as well as a general chat area.

    The site has gone through some changes during the time I have been a member, but the user groups have been my personal favorite to date. I wouldn’t mind seeing a mobile version of the user groups, then again I would probably never get anything else done if it existed.

    I really can’t think of anything that would improve it at the moment.

  6. Anything else you would like to add?

    I’d like to thank Frank_Sinatra_ for founding and running the group for so long before he put me in charge; as well as all those who have agreed to help out on “Through the Gate” I could never do it alone.

    A round of thanks. Thanks to the community at large, to the members of the group, to Frank_Sinatra_ for making the group, thenumberthirteen for keeping the group going, and to The Escapist staff for creating the User Groups area.

    Hmm … Join the Stargate Fan Club and be welcomed by an insane bunch that will initiate you with geeky lingo, booze, and the occasional “Game Time.”

If you would like to nominate a user group for an upcoming Featured User Group, feel free to let me (that is, Kuliani) know through a PM!

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