
Final Fantasy VII Remake Pushed Even Further From Possibility


Square Enix is now saying that a remake of Final Fantasy VII would take a middle-aged man’s entire life to complete.

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase wants to make it clear that a remake of Final Fantasy VII would take a really, really long time. Remember back when he said it would take fourteen years of development time? Now, he’s more than doubled that figure.

Speaking at a roundtable discussion held for the launch of Final Fantasy XIII in Korea, Kitase wasn’t surprised at all by the topic of Final Fantasy VII. “We’ve gotten this question a lot from many countries,” he said while laughing. He seems to be a little sick of it.

On the Final Fantasy VII remake this time, Kitase said: “To make FFXIII at this level of quality, it took us 3 to 4 years. If we were to make FFVII in the same style of FFXIII, it would take 10 times as long.” Forget fourteen years, a current generation Final Fantasy VII would take forty years to put together! That’s older than someone’s dad.

Does Square Enix just want to stop the questions about the possibility for a Final Fantasy VII remake, or do these comments make sense? You’ve got to figure the company can reuse some assets from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children to help the process along or something. I get that Final Fantasy VII was a monumental RPG, especially due to all the cursing, but a forty-year development time is wacky beans.

Source: Andriasang

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