
Fist Bumps Transmit Less Germs than High-Fives or Handshakes

Fist Bump President

Study shows that fist bumps transmits less germs than handshakes or high fives.

The Institute of Biological, Environmental, and Rural Sciences at Aberystwyth University has just revealed some important information for elite high-fivers out there. After conducting some tests the university found that fist bumping transmits less germs when compared to handshakes and high-fiving.

The experiment had one person placing a glove into a container of germs. Then that person exchanged handshakes, fist bumps, and high-fives of different lengths and varieties with sterile-gloved participants. When the bacteria on the sterile gloves were analyzed, researchers found that there was less bacteria transferred on a fist bump when compared to a high five. Handshakes carried the most amount of germs out of the three. As expected, the longer the duration of the hand exchange the more germs that were transferred.

This is important information specifically for those who work in the medical field who are often in contact with bacteria. In fact, in May the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) even called for a ban of handshakes in hospitals to help reduce the spread of germs.

For the more general practicality, author and conductor of the study David Whitworth, PhD states that the, “Adoption of the fist bump as a greeting could substantially reduce the transmission of infectious diseases between individuals.” Since it’s unlikely western society will adopt a no-contact greeting, “… for the sake of improving public health we encourage further adoption of the fist bump as a simple, free, and more hygienic alternative to the handshake.”

Source: Science Daily

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