Gallery of the Day

Gallery of the Day – Best Videogame Ninjas

Make sure you’re well guarded because this gallery is sneaky and you won’t see it until it’s too late. They may be anywhere so watch your back and your front, it’s like Where’s Waldo but if Waldo was invisible. Be afraid, be very afraid.


Ryu Hayabusa, from the Ninja Gaiden franchise. He is quite possibly the most badass of the bunch.

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We can’t forget about the cutest ninja of them all. Kirby may look harmless but beware he can be a ninja and therefore he can become a very very dangerous little pink blob.


They may be mutants, but they are also ninjas. Beware, because there are four of them: They can work together to defeat an enemy or slaughter a pizza (or two, or three.)


There’s nothing like a ninja with a sense of humor. Thankfully Yuffie, from Final Fantasy VII, is there to fill that gap.


Some ninjas focus on the fighting, and some are better at espionage. Gray Fox is more the latter, he’s a double agent helping out Solid Snake. You can trust some people, but never a ninja.


Ayame may not be the most powerful ninja from Tenchu, but she’s definitely the fastest. Keep your eyes peeled, because she may come from out of nowhere to beat you to oblivion.


Joe Musashi, from Shinobi, is more of a friendly ninja whose goal is to save the children of his clan from a criminal organization. If you find yourself in a criminal organization that kidnaps ninja children, make sure to watch your back.


Adopted by a ninja clan, Sheena Fujibayashi from Tales of Symphonia, made her way up to become an assassin. She’s a ninja with a heart of gold, and betrayed her clan to find a way to make the world a better place.

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