Gallery of the Day

Gallery of the Day – Movie Villains

Movies heroes get quite a bit of attention but let us all take a moment to appreciate the under appreciated: the movie villain.


The T-1000 from Terminator 2 may seem like the perfect villain. He can absorb bullets, and even survive getting his head cleaved in half, but he fails in the end because of his one weakness: Molten metal.

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There were quite a few bad guys in The Matrix, but the one baddie that stands out in everyone’s mind is Agent Smith. He went rogue to focus all of his attention on Neo and forgot all about his other duties as a program.


An all seeing eye is pretty badass, but one with a jewelry fetish is pretty hard to come across. Sauron from The Lord of the Rings series is there to be the foil of the Fellowship, and make sure that there’s some conflict in the over arching story.


No list of bad guys would be complete without Darth Vader. He’s the evil father-in-absentia to Luke and Leia, which makes him a bad guy all on its own, but to find out that he’s also a planet destroying baddie makes him the perfect poster boy for this list.


Batman had the Joker and Scarecrow, but his more formidable enemy has to be Ra’s Al Ghul. He’s not just out to get the Batman, but he has an army of people working for him to destroy the Batman and all that he loves.


David Lo Pan is the Ying to Jack Burton’s Yang in Big Trouble in Little China. He’s got many of the Sith powers to take down Kurt Russell’s Jack Burton and his merry men and women.


Star Trek has more than its fair share of bad guys and thugs, but the one that takes the cake is Khan Noonien Singh. He really got Kirk’s goat and ultimately made Chekov put a scary bug in his ear, which is really really bad.


In The Shining Hotel Overlook is the true bad guy, but it molds Jack Torrance into its minion. If you want to see a homicidal maniac go nuts on his family, well, then Jack Torrance is the guy for you.


Last but not least we have the infamous Jame Gumb. He made sure that you looked at lotion as less of a moisturizer, but an important part of torture. He liked himself and would truly love himself hard.

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