
Game of Thrones Deaths Posterized in Artsy Countdown

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Artist Robert M. Ball is illustrating a Game of Thrones death every day until season four’s April 6th premiere.

Be wary! The following images contain Game of Thrones spoilers!

Game of Thrones‘ season four premiere is only a few weeks away and, in turn, its many fans around the world are preparing in their own way. Some, for instance, are re-watching the previous seasons or reading the books. Others meanwhile are likely setting up post-season therapy sessions to help themselves deal with the trauma of what’s likely to come. Artist Robert M. Ball, meanwhile, is illustrating every major death in the show.

Ball, who was set to the task by HBO, has been recreating a death a day as a sort of artistic countdown to the show’s return. The images, which currently number 19, have been designed in such a way that they’re largely abstract. Even so, people just getting into the show or just catching up on it may want to avoid these Ball’s Thrones-centric art pieces until after they’re up to speed on all the terrible horrible things that happen in the first three seasons.

In the mean time, fans that enjoy Ball’s work are being encouraged to submit their own art based on their favorite death from the show. I personally won’t being doing that (stick figures are more my speed), but I do very much look forward to seeing the rest of Ball’s illustrations as the countdown continues. Take a look at the currently available offerings and let us know which ones you like best.

Source: Beautiful Death

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