
Game of Thrones Set to be Visited by Queen Elizabeth II

Game of Thrones

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II will visit the Belfast set of HBO’s Game of Thrones.

You know your TV show is something special when real world royalty are taking time out to check you out. This is the case with Great Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, as she, along with The Duke, will tour HBO’s Game of Thrones set in Belfast this summer. This was revealed by the British Monarchy Twitter who made the announcement yesterday.

Will she be allowed to sit on the Iron Throne? Or maybe she wants to make sure The Wall’s fortified for any intruders? While it might seem out of place to do so, I really hope we see pics of the cast and crew interacting with a real life queen.

For more Game of Thrones content here on The Escapist, don’t forget to read our review of Season 4’s finale, which incidentally has been pirated over 1.5 million times in half a day. You should also check out what Westeros would be like if it was set in America. Finally, Season 4 director Alex Graves has also hinted at Daenerys’ future for next season.

Source: Twitter via IGN

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