
Gamers Rack Up 1.2 Million Matches in Uncharted 2 Demo


PlayStation 3 owners have taken rather fondly to the multiplayer demo of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, charting up a combined 1.2 million games played in little more than a week.

Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells posted some interesting numbers for the Uncharted 2 multiplayer demo on PlayStation Blog. There must be some hearty back-slapping going on at the Naughty Dog cafeteria, since these figures would seem to indicate quite a bit of interest in Nathan Drake’s second adventure:

* Total Number of games played – 1,217,424
* Total Number of Kills – 92,110,787
* Total Number of Treasures Captured – 1,860,645
* Total Amount of Money Earned – $38,841,367,350
* Total Time Played – 9,905 days (or 27+ years!)

So in just over a week, gamers have killed 92 million people in 1.2 million games (that’s 76.6 kills per game, in case you were curious) and earned a whopping $39 billion for doing so. “Drake’s Fortune,” indeed. The demo “is currently #1 out of the top 5 demo first-week downloads to date, and is on a trajectory to become the most downloaded demo on PSN, ever.”

At least 23 of those kills were mine in a totally awesome round of Deathmatch on the Plaza map last night, by the way. It was badass: Three members of our (five-person) team ended up disconnecting or leaving, and so it ended up being two-on-four, since one of theirs had ditched, too. Through the use of stealthy guerrilla tactics and general ass-kicking-tude, we fought the odds and came from behind to win! Not that I’m trying to brag, or anything.

But yeah, the demo’s good, and people are enjoying it, which comes as a stunning surprise. The game still has an absurd score on Metacritic. Life at Naughty Dog must be pretty sweet for the time being.

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