Editor's Note

Gaming Below the Radar

As some of you have found, we have been busy over here at The Escapist hive. In addition to our semi-weekly publish of The Escapist magazine, we now offer a blog. At the blog, you’ll find our staff, writers and readers discussing articles, gaming news and culture, and behind the scenes happenings here at headquarters.

We’ve added the blog to provide a more casual and interactive facet of The Escapist. Many of you have sent letters asking for a place to discuss the contents of our issues, and others have asked for a more “human” side of the magazine. We felt a blog was the best way to accomplish both of these goals and got to work building one. has launched and we’re pretty excited to finally have the opportunity to express and hear opinions about our articles and gaming in general. Please stop in and say “hello.”

And while you’re there, you might notice an information block mentioning our podcast, The Escapist Pod. This project is in its infancy and we decided to bring our readers into the loop to get your thoughts and ideas on what you might like to hear. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Now, with all The Escapist news out of the way, we move on to this week’s issue – “Gaming Below the Radar.” Naturally, as any industry grows, it gets more press and more mainstream recognition. But even as more light is shed on some aspects of it, small pockets of gaming and gamers quietly grow.

This week, we uncover a couple of these little niches. John Szczepaniak shares months of research into the underworld of high-priced, one-of-a-kind gaming collectibles. Bonnie Ruberg discusses the oft-overlooked realm of “girl games.” Bruce Geryk takes a look at Days of Wonder, a company that’s bucking the trend of Bigger is Better and creating simpler, but no less fun, strategy games for the masses. Find these articles and more in this week’s issue of The Escapist.


-Julianne Greer

About the author

The Escapist at Child’s Play

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