Age of Conan: Guild Spotlights

Guild Spotlight: The Epsilon Team (EU Guild)

Name: The Epsilon Team
Play Orientation: PvP/PvE
Role Playing: No, but we welcome RPers
Guild Size: very large (>240)
Time Zone: EU servers
Communication: Our Forums and Ventrilo
Guild Hall Thread:
Web Site:

The Pruner (leader of the Epsilon Team, duh ;)) gave my my heart’s content by answering my questions. Here we go:

What is special about The Epsilon Team?
Unlike other guilds who are involved in many games, we focus on one at a time. This will be the AoC era for us. Focusing on one game makes it possible to be the best and most organized guild around. We pay attention to every detail and strive for perfection. Visiting our web-site will prove that.

Who are the people of the Epsilon Team?
Former members of our previous guild in Guild Wars as well as many new ones. All of our members are mature players and have past experience in at least one other MMORPG. We have members from over twenty different countries with Norway, Greece, United States, United Kingdom and Sweden being the countries with the most players in our guild. Every member can and will communicate in English.

The Epsilon guild is one of the larger guilds around. How big are you?
At the moment we have a Total of 244 Members with a steady increasing rate every day. We manage to accept only email verified members to avoid spam accounts and keep a balance of archetype and classes.

  • Rogues: 79
  • Mages: 72
  • Soldiers: 57
  • Priests: 36
  • Prestige Classes:

  • Commanders: 73
  • Crafters: 60
  • Masters: 56
  • Lords: 55
  • The average age of our members is 23 years old.

    How do you look on interaction with other guilds?
    We are currently allied with PI, also known as Primal Instinct. Diplomacy and Alliance with the right people is a very important thing for us, that is why we seek only the best and greatest guilds to join our alliance. The rest who are not with us, are against us.

    How are you structured socially?
    There is one Leader who is responsible for the proper operation and organizing of the guild. Every important decision must be taken by the leader. Officers who are picked by the Leader will have special duties (resource manager, strategic commander, etc.). Also we there will be at least one Officer for every Class so that members of the same class will address questions to their same ‘class officer’… Finally there are the Members of the guild who will have no real duties other than to contribute resources to the guild for the creation of our guild city… We try to keep the structure simple, easy to understand and remember by everyone and at the same time strong enough to help the guild perform its goal.

    What is your take on player cities?
    We plan to create and maintain at least one city. Every member, despite his rank, will have to contribute resources every few days in order for this to become possible. Our city could become a market center for travelers and a resting place for adventurous explorers. We will focus very much on this section of the game.

    What is your take on in-game taxes and loot distribution?
    Depending on the game mechanics and needs we might use a system similar to the well known DKP. As for taxes, we will require a resource contribution from every guild member once a week or so. If there is a member who needs something, he/she will have priority over greed. Of course Trial members will have a lower priority and so on.

    What excites you most about Age of Conan?
    The unique Gameplay features of this game make it stand out for us. For the first time there is a Real need for Group/Guild, not simply meaningless solo grinding. Everyone likes being part of something big and powerful, we will be just that. Graphics is also the final touch which helps the player immerse into the game world with ease.

    How are you planning on communicating in-game (raids, sieges etc…)?
    Ventrilo (voice communication software) is what we will definitely be using. Speaking is way faster than typing. We require all our members to have it installed and ready to use. At least for hearing commands on sieges and coordinating directions. A must for every guild I have to omit.

    What is your take on Role Playing?
    We do not roleplay, we will focus on PvP but RP players are welcomed to join us. That is why we will choose a PvP server if available or a Normal server. We like PvP and plan to focus everything around it.

    What are you looking for in a potential member?
    A member that wants to join us must be Mature, show Dedication to the guild, and most of all be a Team Player. We have no room for solo grinders or selfish players.

    And finally, How to apply?
    There is a special Application Form on our web site but before someone fills this out, it would be wise to read our guild rules provided in site and decide if that’s the kind of guild that suits him/her best. Since the game is still in beta and we cannot see members in action we will re-evaluate all of our members in game once it is out and keep only the fittest.

    Final words from The Pruner:
    We cannot wait for the game to go live, a countdown timer with the release date has been even created on our site for this reason. The game looks promising and that is why we chose it. We already have some members in the current technical beta, so we believe from everything we have seen so far that the game will deliver all it promised and more. We plan to dominate the world of Conan and be a large guild of elite players.
    Think you can be a part of us? JOIN US!

    If you want to bug me with suggestions, questions or you want your Guild to be featured.. Tough tootsy! 😀
    Just kidding! I’m always happy to hear from you. I’m at: [email protected]

    About the author

    Auto Assault: Road Rager of the Week: Arli!

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