
Guinness: Arkham Asylum Is Most Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever


It might have only come out this week, but Batman: Arkham Asylum is already in the record books. Guinness World Records just declared the well-reviewed title the “Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever.”

According to the numbers, Batman: Arkham Asylum‘s doing pretty well when it comes to winning over the minds of jaded videogame reviewers. Currently sitting pretty at the top of the Metacritic pile with a 91 Metascore, it’s clear enough that there are many people out there who are digging The Caped Crusdaer’s latest…erm, crusade.

Whether or not the game passes the test of time remains to be seen, but Guinness World Records would seem to not give a damn, because they’ve awarded Arkham Asylum with a unique accolade: the World Record for “Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever.” Arkham Asylum had undoubtedly stiff competition in this most vaunted of categories, having needed to best other notable superhero game masterpieces like Iron Man and Superman 64.

“We are so pleased to be awarding Batman: Arkham Asylum a Guinness World Record,” Gaz Deaves of Guinness World Records said. “It is a fantastic new game and due to the reaction of gaming experts we believe it has a well deserved place in the Guinness World Records book.”

In all seriousness, the record itself might be a tad ridiculous (not to mention fishy), but from what I’ve heard (and what little I’ve played) of Arkham Asylum, it certainly is a few notches above your average superhero game. I might say that X-Men the arcade game deserves this honor more than Arkham Asylum, but I guess this will do.

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