
Guitar Hero Changes Studios, New Trademarks

Neversoft hires Guitar Hero staff and Activision files for new Guitar Hero trademarks.

It appears that Tony Hawk developer Neversoft will be taking the reigns of the project after an update on the studio’s site revealed that Neversoft is hiring developers for an unknown Guitar Hero title. No further word from Neversoft has been released.

Further Guitar Hero news includes a new set of trademarks filed by Activision relating to their guitar games. Both Guitar Villain and Drum Villain were filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on November 29 and December 1, respectively. The trademark files cover a variety of possible gaming functions, including controllers and software. Before RedOctane was purchased by Activision last year, they obtained trademarks for Keyboard Hero, Drum Hero, and Band Hero.

A RedOctance representative commented on the trademark filings: “RedOctane is fully dedicated to, and currently focused on the production of Guitar Hero II for the Xbox 360. There have not been any announcements, or further information, on any titles and projects outside of this.”

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Asherons Call: Jacinth’s Journal: Legends of Dereth, Part 3

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