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Halo Infinite Plans to Offer a ‘High-Level Update’ Soon, Won’t Be at Game Awards

halo infinite high-level update in coming weeks 343 industries no the game awards 2020 appearance tga 2020

343 Industries Community Director Brian Jarrard has revealed on Reddit that the developer hopes to provide a “high-level update” on Halo Infinite development in the coming weeks. Due to the game’s new release window in 2021, 343 Industries is trying to adjust to the consequences of the delay. Jarrard also clarified that Halo Infinite will not be present at The Game Awards this year.

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The reason the game will not appear there is that putting together a new demo of some sort for the show would require too much work. It would interfere with the current milestones in development for the game during the holiday season.

Jarrard said, “I know it’s hard to wait, but the team is going to make the most of this extra time and we want to make sure we can put our best foot forward and commit to greater transparency and dialog on the road ahead.”

byu/AutoModerator from discussion

Halo Infinite was originally supposed to launch last week alongside Xbox Series X | S but was ultimately delayed until 2021. The game has also seen considerable turnover in upper management, including the recent departure of director Chris Lee, as well as Mary Olson and Tim Longo in 2019. Hopefully, the additions of Bungie veteran Joseph Staten and Halo: The Master Chief Collection Head of Publishing Pierre Hintze will get the game back on track. Stay tuned for more on that Halo Infinite update.

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George Yang

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