
Here, Have a Playable Angry Birds Birthday Cake, Son

A six-year-old boy with the coolest dad ever wants to have his cake and play it too.

It’s astounding just how pervasive Angry Birds has gotten in the year since its release. The game has been ported to nearly every platform there is, inundated the toy market with plushy birds, and is even invading the movie scene. But I think I speak for everybody when I say that nobody believed it would actually be ported that most exclusive of platforms: delicious cake.

Mike Cooper of ElectricPig has a family tradition of creating extravagant and over-the-top birthday cakes for his son, Ben, who was turning 6. Aware of his son’s appreciation of the addictive game, he constructed a full Angry Birds level of baked goods and chocolate, including icing-coated birds, chocolate supports, and squashable green piggies.

While I’m not sure Ben managed to 3-star the level (I’m fairly certain there are now several colorful splotches on the kitchen walls), I’m pretty positive that it was the tastiest failure of his life.

Source: CVG

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