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Hitman 3 Legacy Compatibility for PC Delayed, IO Interactive Offers Hitman 1 GOTY Access for Free

Hitman 3 compatibility Hitman 1 game of the year preorder IO Interactive PC

PC players looking forward to replaying missions from earlier games via legacy compatibility in the upcoming Hitman 3 will likely have to wait a few weeks, as developer IO Interactive works to resolve business-related issues. As a salve, the team is offering the Game of the Year Access Pass for 2016’s Hitman for free to anyone who purchases Hitman 3 prior to or within the first 10 days of  launch.

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In an update to the game’s official pre-release guide, IO assured fans that it is working with external parties to ensure compatibility with Hitman 3, guaranteeing “that players will not need to repurchase the (earlier) games.”

Those compatibility issues will only affect the ability to revisit earlier levels, as profile progression will be available across all three games from day one. Furthermore, the problems only affect the PC version, as PlayStation and Xbox players will be able to import their games immediately, including across console generations.

The issue likely stems from differing distribution platforms and publishing agreements, as Hitman 3 is self-published and available exclusively through the Epic Games Store (which is committed to working with IO on this matter) on PC, while Hitman 2 was published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and available only on Steam.

Hitman 3 represents the conclusion to the World of Assassination trilogy and will be available across all major platforms, including a streaming version on Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia from Jan. 20. IO Interactive is also working on a James Bond origin story codenamed Project 007.

About the author

Damien Lawardorn
Editor and Contributor of The Escapist: Damien Lawardorn has been writing about video games since 2010, including a 1.5 year period as Editor-in-Chief of Only Single Player. He’s also an emerging fiction writer, with a Bachelor of Arts with Media & Writing and English majors. His coverage ranges from news to feature interviews to analysis of video games, literature, and sometimes wider industry trends and other media. His particular interest lies in narrative, so it should come as little surprise that his favorite genres include adventures and RPGs, though he’ll readily dabble in anything that sounds interesting.
Damien Lawardorn
Editor and Contributor of The Escapist: Damien Lawardorn has been writing about video games since 2010, including a 1.5 year period as Editor-in-Chief of Only Single Player. He’s also an emerging fiction writer, with a Bachelor of Arts with Media & Writing and English majors. His coverage ranges from news to feature interviews to analysis of video games, literature, and sometimes wider industry trends and other media. His particular interest lies in narrative, so it should come as little surprise that his favorite genres include adventures and RPGs, though he’ll readily dabble in anything that sounds interesting.

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