
Home Coming In The Next 10 Days?


Sony’s oft-delayed community service for the PS3 will be home for the holidays, according to reports.

Home, which was originally announced 2005, is “slated for release in the next 10 days”, according to a report by UK news outlet The Times Online.

Though why the Times Online wouldn’t mention a specific date does lend an air of suspicion to their info, Sony releasing Home in the coming weeks certainly jives with what we already know. Sony has previously stated that Home would be out before the end of 2008, and Sony Computer Entertainment America’s John Koller told IGN only a couple weeks ago that the release of Home was “imminent”. Finally, last week saw the announcement of Home’s first sponsor: Red Bull. Considering all that, the current holiday buying bonanza, and competitor Microsoft’s recently released New Xbox Experience, Sony putting out Home before the holidays seems not just plausible but arguably necessary for the company.

When reached for confirmation by videogaming247, a Sony rep predictably replied that “we’re not commenting on that story, I’m afraid.”

I’m sure a lot of PS3 owners are thinking “it’s about damn time,” but considering how long Home has been in the pipes, are people still excited for this?

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