Video Games

How to Complete The Killing Moon Quest in Cyberpunk 2077

Songbird in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

You’ve made it all the way through Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty and because you opted to help Songbird, or So Mi, and go against Solomon Reed’s wishes, “The Killing Moon” is your final main job. The stakes couldn’t be higher so to help you make the most of your decision, I’ve prepared a walkthrough on how to complete “The Killing Moon” in Cyberpunk 2077. You made a difficult choice and now it’s time you lived with the consequences of your actions. You’re in for some tough battles so make sure you’re loaded up with some top-notch gear before launching into this dramatic resolution.

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How to Start “The Killing Moon Quest” Line in Cyberpunk 2077

Of course, this is Cyberpunk 2077 so don’t expect simply starting this quest to be a walk in the park. After escaping the stadium with Songbird in “Firestarter,” you’re told to lie low and wait for some kind of update from your co-conspirator meaning you’ll have to keep yourself busy in Night City for a few days. The exact amount of time that must pass hasn’t really been nailed down yet, I’ve seen some players having to wait two in-game days for Songbird to contact them while others have spent close to a week watching their contacts list like a hawk. While it’s frustrating to simply kill time, I will suggest completing the job Mr. Hands assigns to you titled “Run This Town.” It’s unrelated to Phantom Liberty‘s core conflict but some fans have suggested that finishing this job prompts “The Killing Moon” to begin earlier. This is still unconfirmed, mind you, but you might as well keep busy with side quests while you wait on Songbird to sort out her affairs.

The other thing that will occur before “The Killing Moon” begins is Reed’s final warning to V. He’ll give you a call and tell you that since you sided with Songbird, you’re officially her partner-in-crime and the FIA are actively searching for the pair of you. Treason is no joke, even in a distorted, dystopian future. Anyway, now that you’re one of the most wanted people in the entire country, Songbird will finally call and give you some coordinates that you’ll want to follow. Once you reach the quest marker, you’ll find a suspicious unmarked van so, obviously, the best you better get inside.

Related: How to Complete Dazed and Confused Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077

Climbing through the back doors, you’re greeted by Songbird, who’s lying crumpled in the corner. She’s breathing erratically and holding her waist, clearly in a great deal of pain. She’ll ask for updates on your situation, so tell her all about Reed’s threats and she’ll inform you that despite her condition she’s taken steps to get to safety. You’re on your way to NCX, the nearest spaceport that will hopefully get her off the planet, and to a medical lab that will be able to treat her. Of course, given that the FIA is actively searching for Songbird, she can’t just walk through the front doors so that’s where you come in. Your main objective will be to get into the spaceport and covertly sneak Songbird past security so she can make her flight.

Worry about that later though, Songbird begins to crash so give her a stim and maybe run a diagnostics check on her if your Technical Ability is high enough. It’s not necessary to scan her systems but it’s a good bit of flavor that only up the stakes. Once that’s done, get into the driver’s seat to let her rest. Follow the map markers through to NCX. It’s a pretty lengthy drive so don’t forget snacks!

Pulling up outside the main terminal, Songbird requests that you hand over your weapons. Keeping them on you will make V an instant target for security so this is one of those times when you don’t have any freedom in your choice. Hand them over and enter the spaceport, making your way through to security. Your combat cybernetics will be deactivated and Songbird will request that you buy her some time to connect your face to a fake ID profile, so stall as best you can with the optional dialogue choices. It won’t take too long and once your scans are complete, you’ll be let through into the main NCX lobby.

How to Get into Tycho Terminal

Now that you’ve tricked the guards, your main objective is to find a way to into the Tycho Terminal, the company behind the flight that will get Songbird out of Night City. Before you do this, you’ll get an optional objective to find a locked suitcase that contains a helpful item. The actual bag won’t just be lying around though, so use one baggage terminals to search for it; you should find one of these handy systems right next to the main set of stairs you walk down as you leave security. Punch in the code Songbird sent you and you should find a bright yellow case on the nearby carousel. Inside is a disguise that’ll make sneaking around significantly easier. Once you’ve got your new threads, follow the carousel right and down the stairs. When you turn to your right, you should see an open gate with a large “Keep Away, Construction Ahead” sign above the door. An armed guard will be monitoring the path but if you have your disguise, you can get past him with no trouble.

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Follow this corridor and Songbird will call you with slight complications to the plan and your new objective will be to make it up to the roof. Quietly sneak through the construction section and be aware of any cameras and mechs as they’ll see straight through your disguise. Get in the elevator that you’ll find in the office at the top of the building facility and ride it to the roof. Get past the guards standing around (your disguise will be effective here) and head down some nearby stairs. You’ll find a firehose on your right that you can use to pull Songbird up to your platform. You can grab your weapons back from her bag and follow her across the rooftop, keeping an eye open for any guards. Songbird will eventually hack open a door that you both need to slip through since one very important person, the President of the United States, makes an unexpected landing. As you sneak through the vents, eavesdrop on her meeting with Solomon Reed to pick up some chilling details on the hunt for Songbird. Keep following your companion until she leads you into an elevator. Things are about to get hairy…

As the doors open, you’ll see Myers’ security team blasting through the Tycho Terminal, shooting anything that moves. You can either fight or sneak your way through, just be wary of the mechs armed to the teeth backing up some of the more organic threats. Continue fighting through the construction yard until you need to call an elevator on the far side of the room from where you entered. Once you’ve ridden it to the top, follow Songbird through the departure gate, giving her a heads-up that the coast is clear. She needs to take a break, requesting a bottle of water that can be found on the other side of the bar she’s sitting alongside. Enjoy the peace while it lasts, the second you follow Songbird out of this room Myers’ chopper will ambush you both. Don’t bother shooting at it; You can’t bring it down. Just move between cover whenever it stops shooting.

Should You Give Songbird to Reed to Complete Cyberpunk 2077’s “The Killing Moon”

Keep running through the gate, either avoiding or killing any enemies that get in your way. There’s a particularly beefy boy who stands in your path after Songbird hacks open one of the security gates, so be warned that he can ruin your day if you get careless with your shots. Don’t worry about protecting your partner, when I did this mission all the enemies targeted me and completely ignored her. Once you’re out of the building, you need to reach the NCX maglev station which is, once again, swarming with guards. No sneaking around this time, so get busy busting heads; You need to kill all the NUSA agents to access the tower, so be prepared for a lot of well-armed enemies.

After everyone is dead, Songbird will join you in the control room and ask that you protect her as she calls in transport. More soldiers will swarm your position so put them down. Your objective is to simply survive, so keep that trigger finger itchy and your aim true. As things continue to ramp up, your objective will send you back into the control tower to check on Songbird and, as expected, she’s not looking good. To escape, you’ll need to serve as a proxy for her so connect to her systems and watch her pull off a truly magnificent display of power. Fire and chaos are all around you but the train is here! Pick up Songbird and make your way towards it. You won’t have a gun in hand here, but So Mi is able to bring down all your attackers very quickly.

Related: How to Use the Chimera Core in Cyberpunk 2077

Now that you’re on the train, V and So Mi have one last moment of quiet. Talk about the events that led to this point in one of Phantom Liberty‘s more poignant conversations. As you near your objective, Songbird confesses that she’s too weak to make it the rest of the way. You can choose to pick her up or call Reed to come deal with her and call it a day. I don’t recommend taking this route. You’ve come this far, and you might as well see it through. As you carry So Mi to the shuttle, Reed will show up for one last confrontation. He tells you to put Songbird down otherwise he’ll shoot. You can’t ignore him, if you continue to walk he puts V down with a single shot. Now comes the last major decision of the DLC: Give Songbird up to Reed or fight him and allow her to escape on the shuttle to the moon.

Reed insists that So Mi will die if she leaves Night City and tries to convince V that he can save her. Eventually, he’ll give you three seconds to choose Songbird’s fate. If you want to stand by your friend, pull your gun on Reed. If you believe that he’ll help her, select the option to holster your gun and save yourself. If you opt for the latter, specifically choosing the dialogue option “All yours, but you’ll help me live on,” you’ll unlock the next main job “Through Pain to Heaven.”

The former will initiate a slow-motion sequence where V will need to shoot and kill Reed. You loot his Iconic Tech Weapon called Pariah but have to live with the pain that you gunned down Hollywood heartthrob Idris Elba. Songbird will make it onto the shuttle and the quest is complete. Doing so will lock off the post-credits missions and they won’t have a chance to experience Cyberpunk 2077‘s new ending. If you want the most amount of content out of the DLC, I highly recommend handing So Mi over to Reed.

With all of that drama out of the way, you can consider yourself largely done with Phantom Liberty‘s main quest! Enjoy all the XP and eddies as you return to some semblance of normality in Night City.

If you’re looking for more on the game, check out how to complete the “No Easy Way Out” side job in Cyberpunk 2077.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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