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How to Find Every Collectible in Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 14

Jack leaping into action in Ghostrunner 2

Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 14, “Can Anyone Hear Me?,” sees Jack reading to Dharma to take on Asura and protect The Tower, and of course there are a lot of collectibles he can get along the way, so here’s how to find all of them.

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Where to Get Every Collectible in Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 14

With the revelation that Jack has been missing, presumed dead, for three weeks, Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 14 puts even more emphasis on speed and pursuing your primary objective. Chapters 12 and 13 are especially light on collectibles, and while Chapter 14 certainly doesn’t have as much compared to some of the previous levels, there’s certainly more to sink your teeth into.

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In total, we’ll be tracking down six collectibles in “Can Anyone Hear Me?” That’s three Memory Shards, a Hidden Sword, an Audio Log and an Artifact. I would like to point out up front that, having played through Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 14 a couple times to make sure I didn’t miss anything, I never came across a Time Trial Challenge. I’m not sure if I missed it or if there just isn’t one for “Can Anyone Hear Me?” but if I did manage to gloss over it, let me know in the comments so I can amend this guide.

To simplify this process, you should know that the beginning section of Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 14, which will see Jack back on his Cyberbike and battling Zombie Cyber Bikers, contains no collectibles at all. You’ll only need to start worrying about them after you dismount and leave your wheels in the dust. It’s a relief, if you ask me. I hate the way that thing handles.

Artifact #1

Towards the end of the Cyberbik section of Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 14, you’ll land in a dark highway that will require you to use your vehicle’s guns to shoot through a series of cracked walls. After the second instance of this, you’ll enter in an area where a series of red barricades block the road, a single ramp your only means of traversing forward. At this point, you can get off the bike and forget all about. You’ll need to ditch after that ramp anyway, so might as well do it now.

Before moving past the red barriers, you’ll see this Artifact floating on your right. Turns out, it’s a package of explosives which you’d think could come in handy right about now but Jack decides to simply leave it in his Extras menu.

If you overshoot this collectible, just know that it is possible to jump back onto the ramp and navigate through the tunnel in reverse and on foot. I zoomed past it on my first attempt and my only punishment was the humiliating walk of shame as a I ran away from the battle ahead of me to pick up the damn Artifact.

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Memory Shard #1

Right after you collect Artifact #1, head over the ramp and under what looks like a massive… bus, I guess, that’s crashed through the top of the tunnel. It’s got a big 76 emblazoned on it so it’s difficult to miss. Pass under it and you’ll enter into Chapter 14’s first arena battle. Don’t worry about all those enemies just yet, instead turn to your left (before the big grey cylinder) and you’ll find a Memory Shard floating behind a burnt-out truck.

Memory Shard #2

This one is a bit of a gimme since it’s clearly visible as you progress through the main route of Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 14. Shortly after you’re introduced to those floating droids you can yank around with the gap jammer, you’ll need to use one to leap onto a panel to run along it and then jump onto a grind rail.

At the end of the rail, just turn to your left to see the Memory Shard sitting behind what I have to imagine to be an air conditioning unit. Nice and simple this one!

Hidden Sword #1

This particular collectible took me ages to pick up. Honestly, I’m still not sure if I gained through the prescribed path or if I just brute forced the solution enough that Ghostrunner 2 just had to give it to me in the end. The frustration was largely because of the repair droids, the platforming gimmick added in Chapter 14. These things are finicky at best and inconsistent at worst, making using them to reach any kind of goal a real mission. Be prepared to try and fail with these buggers a lot because you haven’t seen the last of them in this guide.

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As you continue on your path from the previous Memory Shard, you’ll eventually reach a platforming section with vertical launch pad. Just past it and over a small gap in the structures you’ll see a lower platform with a diagonal launch pad. Drop on it (the platform, not the pad) and turn to your left. You’ll see a massive indoor space that stretches upwards. At the top, there’ll be a repair droid you can move around with your grapple.

Now, on the bottom floor you’ll find another vertical launch pad. Use it to fly upwards and use the gap jammer to pull the droid in a position where you can land on it. Once you’ve touched down, wait a moment before it zooms back into position. From here you need to mantle to wall it’s trying to fix. I tried in several places only to be thrown back to the ground but after a few attempts, I think the best place to climb up is the exposed metal section above the concrete. When you make it up, you can claim your new sword as your prize. It happens to be my favorite in the game: The Void Ripper. Why is it my favorite? Honestly, I just think it looks neat.

Audio Log #1

Back on the main path, you’ll eventually come to a section with two grind rails that take you deeper in the besieged building. Stick the one on the left and you’ll make it to a couple of vertical panels that can be used for a quick of wall runs. At the end of the second one, use the gap jammer to yank the repair droid closer so you can jump from the panel directly onto it. This can be pretty difficult to nail, so be prepared to try it a few times.

After riding the droid back to its starting position, use the grind rail on the right to make it down the ramp. At the bottom, stop and turn right. You’ll see a small room tucked away behind you. Inside is an Audio Log. The second-to-last collectible of its kind in Ghostrunner 2, this one is slightly different in that it’s not a named character speaking but rather several citizens pleading with authorities to let them leave The Tower while enemies are still flooding through. How tragic indeed.

Memory Shard #3

Again, this is another fairly frustrating collectible largely because of the repair droid you need to use to pick it. In the final arena of the game, the section that includes not one but TWO of those bastards with the hardlight shields in front of them, you’ll want to first dispatch every enemy in your way. From there, make you way to back left of the room. You should see a diagonal launch pad right next to a grind rail. Just beyond those two obstacles, there’ll be another fan pointed at a cracked vent.

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In order to reach that vent, you’ll have to use the fan to send Jack flying and then use the gap jammer to pull the repair droid underneath you. Once it resets its position, smash open the vent and claim your prize. Use the terminal next to it to open up the “CLOSED” doors and make exiting significantly easier than entering.

It sounds simple enough but it can be very difficult to figure out where exactly the gap jammer will drop with droid. I highly recommend using Focus to carefully plot your airtime and stick the landed because if you mess up just a little bit you’ll be sent sprawling into the void. This is the reason I recommend killing all the enemies first, best to not give them an excuse to respawn.

With the third Memory Shard, Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 14 comes to a close and Jack is one step closer to returning to the Tower. Of course, there’s still one major obstacle you’ll need to get past: Madhu the Dismantler. While you don’t need to worry about picking up collectibles in his stage, he’s still a real tough boss fight.

If you’re looking for more, check out where to find every collectible in Ghostrunner 2 Chapter 16.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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