Video Games

How to Find Saga’s Hunting Rifle in Alan Wake 2

Saga in the Oh Deer Diner in Alan Wake 2

When it comes to sending The Taken back to The Dark Place, nothing is more satisfying than a clean headshot from as far away as possible. Here’s how to find Saga’s Hunting Rifle in Alan Wake 2.

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How to Find Saga’s Hunting Rifle in Alan Wake 2

The Hunting Rifle is one of, if not the, best weapon in Alan Wake 2. I’ll hear arguments for the Pump-Action Shotgun but my money is always on this bad boy to take down whatever monstrosity stands between Saga and the safety of the light. If you want to add this deadly Taken killer to your arsenal (which requires a bunch of inventory space, by the way) then you’ll want to play through Saga’s campaign until you reach “Return 5: Old Gods.” Tasked with tracking down Tor and Odin, the aged rockstars of The Old Gods of Asgard, Saga quickly learns that something suspicious is going on at the Valhalla Nursing Home.

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Proceed through the mission as normal, checking in on Odin and chatting with some of the other old folks killing time around the fireplace. Eventually, you’ll uncover evidence that Tor has been acting strangely, prompting Saga to check out the Wellness Center just outside. Serving as the nursing home’s medical wing, the entire place is caked in darkness when you first stumble inside. Be prepared for surprise attacks, you never know what could be waiting in the shadows.

After watching Tor, hammer in hand, stumble out of the building the doors will all lock themselves, likely due to the interference of The Dark Presence. Saga’s tasked with turning the power back on and disengaging the security systems. To do that, she’ll need to make her way to the Security Room. Open your map and you’ll see that it can be accessed via the corridor on the right side of the Wellness Center. You’ll find it through the Office, going through the door on the left, running past the bathroom, and turning left again.

Take note that just before you enter the Security Room, you’ll pass the Workshop. If you look inside, you’ll see your coveted Hunting Rifle on the wall. Too bad the door handle’s missing… We’ll come back to that in a moment, our primary objective now is to deactivate the security system.

How to Turn Off the Security System

Within the Security Room, you’ll see that a password is required to access the main terminal. Drat. If you look around, you’ll begin to pick up some interesting tidbits on Blum, the guy in charge of most of Valhalla Nursing Home’s maintenance. Dig through his stuff and you’ll learn that he’s about to be initiated into the Cult of the Tree the day after the New Moon. Take a look at the calendar on the wall, mentally jotting down that the next New Moon is on August 16, 2023. That means his initiation ceremony, something he considers to be of the utmost importance to him, on August 17. That’s your code.

Related: Do You Need to Play Alan Wake 1 & Control Before Alan Wake 2?

Walk back to the computer and plug in the numbers 17082023. Success! Deactivate the security system and afterward, scroll through some of the emails. You’ll notice that Blum has had trouble with some hiding his doorknob. There’s a cryptic riddle as to where you can find it though:

I meet you at the greet
Inside a bright glassy cage
Where pretty flowers bloom.

Is that ringing any bells? It’s alluding to the entrance hall. Remember when you first entered the Wellness Center, there was a glass booth around reception with some flowerpots dangling around it? That’s where you’ll find the doorknob.

Jog all the way back to the beginning of the section and enter the receptionist’s counter. In a pulled-out drawer on the ground, you’ll see the doorknob lying in wait. Pick it up and then run to the Workshop just before the Security Room. Use the doorknob on the door and you’ll be able to enter. Pick up your Hunting Rifle and chamber a round or five.

Ammo is scarce for this bad boy so be sure to make your shots count. A good headshot is usually enough to bring down a standard Taken in a single hit so make sure your aim is true and you’re equipped to take on anything Alan Wake 2 throws at you!

If you’re looking for more, check out if you need to play Alan Wake 1 and Control before the sequel.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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